Trifon Graphics(Personal Logo)
Flying Whale Brewery(Micro Brewery)
Time Masters(Time management company)
Pig Man's Bar-B-Que (family catering business)
Knead a Break(a mobile, on-site therapeutic massage business)
Dead Light District (prospective pod cast logo )
Adventure Games Re-design (Gaming and L.A.N store)
Adventure Games All Nighters (Gaming and L.A.N. store)
Test Pattern (art gallery)
Trifon Graphics(Personal Logo)
Trifon Graphics(Personal Logo)

A personal logo, perfect for sounding and looking important.

Flying Whale Brewery(Micro Brewery)
Flying Whale Brewery(Micro Brewery)

This was fun to work with. The client wanted to distribute promotional posters to bars that carried their brand of beer*.





*Not sure if this is currently in production 

Time Masters(Time management company)
Time Masters(Time management company)

This was made for a friend that was unsure about what a logo can be. I assured her that it can be simple and straight to the point to convey the message she wanted. 

Pig Man's Bar-B-Que (family catering business)
Pig Man's Bar-B-Que (family catering business)

This client was looking to update his current logo. They wanted something understated and to the point, but wasn't too serious. 

Knead a Break(a mobile, on-site therapeutic massage business)
Knead a Break(a mobile, on-site therapeutic massage business)

The client wanted to convey the fact that therapeutic massage is achievable in as little as 15 minutes per day. It can completely change how you feel, whether you are a CEO or on your 30 minute lunch break from the diner. 

Dead Light District (prospective pod cast logo )
Dead Light District (prospective pod cast logo )

The client wanted to start a pod cast on reviewing Heavy Metal, Death Metal and Goth Culture. He wanted a more haunted look but without the black on white lettering prevalent in most advertising. This design was done by drawing the lettering with the mouse.  

Adventure Games Re-design (Gaming and L.A.N store)
Adventure Games Re-design (Gaming and L.A.N store)

Adventure Games is a gaming center and computer L.A.N. store. They wanted to convey more of a global feel but stick with the same color scheme and spherical elements. I decided on getting rid of the latitudinal and longitudinal lines, as well as soften the gradient, and replace the lines with the continents of a globe . 

Adventure Games All Nighters (Gaming and L.A.N. store)
Adventure Games All Nighters (Gaming and L.A.N. store)

Adventure Games approached me and asked me if we could come up with some way they could promote elements for their monthly lock-in. This is an event where, for a night, the store would be open all night. For one flat price you could enjoy every thing the store has to offer. I was influenced by Late Night's Conan O'Brian's logo. The lighter circle at the bottom was meant to convey that it is close to daybreak. 

Test Pattern (art gallery)
Test Pattern (art gallery)

The client wanted to convey an open and free environment for artists to display their artwork. They wanted a Pandora like system to match artists that had similar elements, such as a photographer that did city-scapes with a 3D artist that utilized objects found in the city. I tried to convey that with the curved type, an element of Typography, with what I think can be an updated version of the artist Piet Mondrian squares, the test pattern on TV's.